
A popular activity in Argentina in 2014, I was living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a french/kiwi, I am quite used to tattooed bodies, but it was only when I joined the gym club nearby my house after moving to Buenos Aires that I realised how “madly” everyone in Argentina seemed to be tattooed. So…


Les benefices du benevolat en Expatriation Interview pour Expat Value – 12 mai 2017 Quand le benevolat aide a l’integration et l’adaptation lors d’une expatriation compliquee Le benevolat pendant l’expatriation peut amener plusieurs benefices: – une meilleure integration et adaptation dans le pays de residence – des competences et une experience positives a mettre en…

A country no one should explore alone – for Expat Pro

You don’t need a visa for this country   English version of the French article published on There are 195 countries in the world. That is an incredible number of possible destinations for expatriation. Each destination is unique, and some countries will certainly never be on your list.  For political reasons, sovereignty, geographical distance.…

Globe Croqueurs

Globe Croqueurs Interview d’Expat Communication sur les difficultés d’adaptation et d’acceptation lors d’une expatriation – 2017 Peux-tu te présenter en quelques mots ? Bonjour je m’appelle Nadege, j’ai aujourd’hui 49 ans, j’ai 3 enfants, tous nés en expatriation et toujours en expatriation. J’ai monté ma société et je suis facilitatrice de transitions pour les femmes…

Les vacances des familles séparées ou divorcées

Written for Expat-Pro Highlighting the differences for children of divorced expatriate parents during the summer holidays Summer holidays for expatriate children of divorced and separated families Expatriate families generally organise their holidays around returning to their country of origin for a few weeks or discovering the host country or region of residence. Whatever the choice,…